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Contribute Your Work

Contribute Your Work Finding Neverland Blog

This blog aims to enhance the softer image of Pakistan and to give opportunities to people who want a platform to showcase their talent.

In the past 2 years, more than 50 different writers from several countries have contributed their work for Finding Neverland Blog and have showcased their talent in poetry, writing, photography, drawing, painting and etc.

Oh and you don't have to be from Pakistan or a Pakistani, If you think you are good enough.. or wait, don't think about good enough ... If you think you can write or draw a single line feel free to send in your work.

Email: is the address where you can mail your work.

If you have your own blog and still want to participate, we will make sure we post your every post with the original post link and/or your blog's link in the post.

If you want to be a permanent blogger all you have to do is to email us telling you want to be one.
There is no restriction on writing for a specific number of times, it always will be whenever you want to write.

Or else you can always participate as many times whenever you want as a guest blogger.

Few important points you have to keep in mind though.

0- Send your work at the above mentioned email address.
1- Mention a post title ( article's name )
2- A picture/photograph related to the post, if you can find one, no necessity.
3- Your name and other details you want us to share.

P.S. We also share the work of Anonymous*, if you want to be one.

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